Provinz Enna  


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Main Attractions in Enna Province

At the archaeological site of Morgantina, excavated by a Princeton University team starting in 1955, visit the impressive rests of an ancient Roman city.

Museo Archeologico Regionale di Aidone
The archaeological museum contains exhibits from the ancient Greek and Roman era.

Castello di Lombardia
The Castello di Lombardia was once the biggest royal castle of the island. The preserved Pisan Tower offers stunning views to Mount Etna and many parts of Sicily.

Rock of Demeter
In ancient times, the Rock of Demeter was a place of worship to Demeter, goddess of fertility.

The cathedral is an interesting patchwork of different artistic and architectural styles. Particularly impressive is its artfully carved pan ceiling.

Museo Archeologico Regionale di Enna
In this little museum, discover exhibits from pre-historic and ancient times.

Piazza Armerina
Villa Casale
Close to the town of Piazza Armerina, Villa Casale is the most important Roman-era excavation in Sicily. The colourful floor mosaics are magnificent.

Tourism Service of the province of Enna online:

Sightseeing Enna


Dr. Anita Bestler